10 February 2014

Geographic Polyamory, Part I: The Frozen State

aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
Our five weeks in Americuh were a 4/1 split between Wisconsin and Colorado, respectively. Since you already sat through me whining about how homesick I am, let me reassure you that I won't do it again here. Instead, I'll give you tour of the good parts, because goodness was aplenty.

I kicked that polar vortex in its icy little crotch with a booted foot, took big bunny sledding for the first time, peed in a precariously public place, cross-country skied into kettles and over moraines, ate my weight in cheese curds and summer sausage (If you live outside the Midwestern US and have no idea what I'm talking about, please go here and order it. Eat it. Thank me later.), found a new favorite beer (multiple thumbs up for Spotted Cow), and instinctively remembered how to drive (and walk) on ice. Fearlessly.

Get ready for snow, kids in uncomfortable sleeping positions, cows, snow, and snow.

aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // geographic polyamory
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin

aesthetic fauna // geographic polyamory
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // geographic polyamory
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // geographic polyamory
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // geographic polyamory
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // geographic polyamory
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // geographic polyamory
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // geographic polyamory
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // geographic polyamory
aesthetic fauna // line of trees, wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // joy
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin
aesthetic fauna // geographic polyamory
aesthetic fauna // wisconsin