Physically, I feel stronger than when I was training for a half marathon, which I attribute not only to trading a car for a bike/legs/public transport, climbing our two flights of classically Dutch stairs a dozen times per day, and now having a very mobile crawler, but also to knowing what my body is capable of: creating, sustaining, and reveling in life.
Once when Julian and I were flying back to Holland alone, an older Russian man, upon watching me balance a growingly heavy baby on my hip, slide two weighty bags up my arms, pick up a dropped toy, and make off to the baggage belt for our buggy and suitcases, told me with genuine admiration, that I was strong like ox. I slowed my pace a bit to give the creature in my arms a squeeze of gratitude, for things I feel but still cannot translate into words.
Happy Mother's Day to all of my momma friends out there, expectant, new or seasoned; I am inspired by your courage and selflessness. And happy day to everyone else out there. You've got a a momma, here or passed on; give her some love today.